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Nonius HQ – Porto

Rua Eng.º Frederico Ulrich, 2650
4470-605 Moreira da Maia
T +351 220 301 520

Nonius Portugal – Lissabon

Avenida Duque de Loulé, 5, 4ºD
1050-085 Lisbon
T +351 220 301 520

Drift- och logistikcenter

Rua Albino José Domingues, Arm. 153
4470-034 Moreira da Maia
T +351 220 301 520

Nonius UK & Ireland – London

Unit D5 Whitby Ave
London, NW10 7SE
United Kingdom
T +44 191 466 1394

Nonius UK & Ireland – Newcastle

The Clervaux Exchange, Clervaux Terrace
Jarrow, Tyne & Wear, NE32 5UP
United Kingdom
T +44 191 466 1394

Nonius Spanien – Madrid

Calle Rufino Gonzalez 23 BIS
Piso 1ª Puerta 1
28037 Madrid, Spain
T +34 911 672 511

Nonius Spanien – Malaga

C/ Jaen numero 9,
Edificio Galia, Oficina 302
29004 Malaga, Spain
T +34 951 538 208

Nonius Frankrike – Paris

Tour Ariane,
5 Pl. de la Pyramide,
92800 Paris, France
T +33 1 76 27 84 44

Nonius Frankrike – Marseille

Bureau Sud France
20 Traverse de la Montre
13 011 Marseille
T +33 1 76 27 84 44

Nonius Italien

Via Vincenzo Bellini 22
00198 Roma
Rome, Italy
T +39 06 9674 1296

Nonius Benelux

Versterkerstraat 3a
1322 AN Almere
The Netherlands
T +31 36 547 50 30

Nonius Nordics

Finlandsgatan 34, Kista,
164 74 Stockholm,
T +46 8 580 979 87

Nonius Brasil

R. Fidencio Ramos, 100 – 12th Floor
Vila Olimpia, Sao Paulo
CEP 04551-010 Brazil
T +55 11 3045 6873

Nonius US & Canada – Orlando

7031 Grand National Drive
Suite 100 Orlando,
FL 32819, Orlando
T +1 407 214 5020 [US]
T +1 647 699 2002 [Canada]

Nonius Mexico

Spectrum Corporate Center, Oficina 1001
Av. Sayil,
Supermanzana 06 Manzana 05 Lote 02
77503 Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico
T +52 55 6943 7766

Nonius DACH

Südwestpark 67 , 2.OG
90449 Nürnberg
T +49 15140121315